Sunday, November 3, 2019

Inability to Edit

Unfortunately, when we got to school, it came to our attention that none of the class computers were working. This has happened before so it wasn't news to us. I became worried that we would miss our due date. It is a big problem that we are not able to edit. These different troubles have led us to get behind on our due dates and are now we are behind the actual schedule. I want to make sure we complete our commercial on time, but because of the faulty computer systems, it has given us many difficulties. I would like to get all of our work done in the next class. The problems of the day have stressed me out about the assignment. Hopefully, we can get our commercial fully edited in time for the due date. The process for filming went very smoothly. This is good because it means that we have to make only a few edits to our commercial. Subsequently putting less stress in our lives and making it easier when we start to edit. In a way, this hiccup in our project gave us time to reflect on our filming process. As well as, give us more time to carefully plan our future edits. Editing the commercial should be relatively simple. I am very excited to see how our commercial is going to come out. I was not in class that day, making it even more stressful. Trying to juggle other classes and extracurriculars is a difficult task. Fortunately for us, we are allowed to do all of our Media assignments in class and not for homework. This really makes the class more about having fun and less about grades and deadlines. 

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